Monday, April 22, 2013

If I were to invest into real estate in the city of Dallas this summer, I would put my money into single-family homes. I think that multi-family homes, while growing at an enormous rate right now, is a bubble that will pop. However, I believe that single-family homes are on the rebound from the late 2000s, and can still be purchased at a relatively low price as of now. I believe that those prices will rise until a healthy median between the high 2006 bubble prices and the 2008 foreclosed prices is reached.

Also, the median age for the city of Dallas is 31.8 years, compared to the 40.8 year average for the state of Texas (according to I believe this young population will be moving out of multi-family homes into single-family homes, because this is the age many people start settling down and raising a family.

According to, one bedroom apartments have an average of $756 of going rent, up over 10% from just two years ago. I believe that the prices cannot sustain themselves, and that prices will drop soon. Now that the economy is strengthening, I believe that consumers will want to start investing into long-term property, instead of month to month housing.

The key to making money on real estate is timing in the market. I believe that there is a narrow window of opportunity to take advantage of the cheap single-family home prices before they increase to unprofitable rates.

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