Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Assignment 1

Welcome to Jason DeLong's Finc 371 Real Estate blog.

This post is regarding assignment one of the class.

My name is Jason DeLong, and I am a senior finance major from Mabank, Texas. Mabank is a small town just southeast of Dallas. Mabank is one of multiple towns that border Cedar Creek Lake, the fourth largest lake in Texas.

Growing up, my hobbies included jet-skiing, golfing, and hunting. Since I've moved to College Station, golfing and hunting are my primary hobbies. I also love to read and write when I can't get outdoors. My original goal in high school was to become a sports writer. But now, that has turned into more of a long lost dream. Not to say that I could never realize my dream, it just may end up being a side job to my career.

I have recently accepted an offer to start my career at a small firm called "Associated Bond Brokers, Inc." I will be hired on to become a bond broker, specializing in trading municipal bonds for cities all over the U.S. and Puerto Rico. So, my foremost goal is to pass my tests and obtain the licenses needed to become a certified broker. This job is located in uptown Dallas, so I will be close to my hometown. This is a company I could see myself working in for a long time. I see major potential in the opportunity to one day own the company, as it is a small firm of about 12 people.

I like to think that I am unique in the fact that I am, or at least once was, a respectable golfer. Golf is a sport that many people think is easy until they pick up a club and try to play. Golf takes many, many hours of practice to be able to call yourself a respectable player. You have to train your muscles to make impact with the ball at exactly the right time, at exactly the correct angle, or else it will be a very long day for you on the course. But it is not just physical preparation. A legendary golfer named Bobby Jones once said that, "Golf is a game that is played on a 5 inch course - the distance between your ears." It takes incredible patience and self control to keep yourself from self imploding during the middle of a round. You have to think your way around the course; you can't simply muscle yourself to victory as in some sports. I am in no way a master of the game, but I do consider myself among a minority that can competitively play.

There are many things that I would like to accomplish before I die, but there are a couple that stick out most to me. First, I would love to publish a printed work. Whether that be a book or a weekly column in a newspaper, I am not partial. Second, I would like to attend the Masters golf tournament. I am aware that there are people all around me that have been invited to the prestigious event, but I have never been, and would cherish the opportunity to attend before I die.

A list of my favorite sites include:

Assignment 1 part 2

If I had to choose one piece of real estate that I thought was the most interesting, I would have to choose my friends' ranch in southwest Texas. I will reserve the location in order to protect the family's interest, but it was the most incredible place I've ever been. The Dry Frio River ran right through the middle of it, with old indian caves lining the cliffs around the river. It was beautiful. Some friends and I were able to go visit some time ago, and will be returning soon. It is my favorite piece of real estate because of the mesmerizing beauty of the entire piece of land. Here are some pictures:

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